Servo Information
Servo motors take in a signal containing information on where you want it to be, then moves toward that position. This is different from other motors that simply rotate continuously when power is applied, which makes them incredibly useful when a specific movement to a location is desired. This is what we want here for the gripper, as we only want to rotate it enough to open and close the gripper, stopping before it pulls too much.
The servo we are using (SOLAR A109) has three wires coming from it: brown, red, and orange. Red is the 5V power line, brown is the GND line, and orange is the signal line. Wire the red and brown lines to the 5V and GND busses on the breadboard respectively. Make sure it is the 5V line and not the motor power 12V line or you may damage the servo. Now connect the orange line to digital pin 3. You can actually put it on any pin that has the ~ symbol if you are already using pin 3, just make sure it has the ~ symbol and you update that information in the code where the pins are defined.